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(+94) 112 595 147
(+94) 112 595 147
(+94) 112 595 147
The main decision making body of the Sri Lanka Dental Association is a 15-member Council which comprises of 8 office bearers and 9 other members of the Association. Two of the nine Council members are under 35 years of age. The Council of the SLDA also seeks advice from a Consultative Council comprising of a minimum of five Past Presidents from time to time on matters that may deem necessary.
In addition, the functions and tasks of the SLDA are carried out by Committees with discretions and powers delegated by the Council.
Office Bearers
Please direct all communications to contact@slda.lk
Deputy Director General of Health Services – Dental Services
Member of Science Committee – FDI World Dental Federation
SLSI Standard Specification for Toothpastes & Toothbrushes
Advisary Committee on Cosmetic Drugs & Devices
Private Health Services Regulatory Council (PHSRC)
Continuing Professional Development (NCCPD)
Please direct all communications to contact@slda.lk