Sri Lanka Dental Association


At the Sri Lanka Dental Association, we prioritize strong governance practices that ensure transparency, accountability, and ethical decision-making. Our commitment to these principles enhances our effectiveness and fosters trust within the dental community and the public.
The main decision making body of the Sri Lanka Dental Association is a 15-member Council which comprises of 8 office bearers and 9 other members of the Association. Two of the nine Council members are under 35 years of age. The Council of the SLDA also seeks advice from a Consultative Council comprising of a minimum of five Past Presidents from time to time on matters that may deem necessary.

Council 2017 - 2018

Council 2016 - 2017

Council 2014 - 2015

Council 2012 - 2011

Council 2009 - 2010

Council 2007 - 2008

Council 2006 - 2007

Council & CDA Organizing 2006 - 2007

Council 2005 - 2006

Council 2004 - 2005

Council 2003 - 2004

Council 2002 - 2003

Council 2001 - 2002

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