Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us at the Sri Lanka Dental Association (referred hereafter as the SLDA), and this Privacy Policy explains our policy with respect to information collected about you. The phrase Personal Information in this policy refers to information or a combination of information that you provide to us through our official website (referred hereafter as the website) or through our office that can be used to uniquely identify you. Please read the following Privacy Policy of the SLDA before any personal information is submitted.

  1. General:
    We may change the terms and conditions of our Privacy Policies at any time by posting revisions on the website. You agree to review the Privacy Policies each time you use the website so that you are aware of any modifications made to these policies. By accessing or using the website, you agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the Terms of Use as posted on the website at the time of your access or use, including the Privacy Policies then in effect.

    Our server logs all visits to this web site for providing statistical reporting. From this log, no attempt will be made to either identify users, or record their browsing activities, unless a warrant is issued by a law enforcement agency.

    This site uses Session Cookies. When you first visit the site, a Cookie is downloaded to your computer, and removed when you leave the site. The Cookie is only used to identify multiple page requests as belonging to the same visit (or session). The ability to track a session is required when a user logs into a restricted or members only area of the site via a user name and password. You may set your browser to not accept cookies, or to warn you when a cookie is being placed on your computer. If you choose not to accept cookies, however, your ability to navigate this site may be hindered.

  2. Collection of Information and Accountability:
    The SLDA may collect Personal Information about you (usually, but not limited to, your name, postal address, telephone number and email address) that you provide voluntarily. You are not required ordinarily to register or provide Personal Information in order to access the public section of the website, but you do require registration as a member with the SLDA to access the members section of the website. The SLDA maintains full rights to any information collected on this website or through its main office, and may freely collect and use such information, unless otherwise prohibited by this Privacy Policy or applicable law.

    We may collect information in the following ways.

    1. Online Registration Forms: The SLDA may allow online registration to its events in addition to new member enrolment. A member or a non-member may provide Personal Information when registering for scientific sessions. Personal Information provided for this purpose may include your name, postal address, telephone number, email address, information in spouse and/or children, accompanying persons and credit card information. You also can make hotel reservations in connection with scientific programs by following links from the SLDA website to separate websites that accept reservations. Personal information provided for the purpose of making hotel reservations will be subject to the privacy policies and practices of the linked websites, and the SLDA cannot be responsible for those privacy policies and practices.
    2. Discussion Forums/Message Boards: The SLDA website maintains discussion boards for professional discussions as well as forums for discussions among members of the Public. We will collect personal information, including names and email addresses, from persons posting messages to those message boards.
    3. ‘Contact Us’ and Online Comment Forms: We encourage visitors to our website to contact us with questions and comments. Email addresses and other information of persons using these features may be collected in order to facilitate our responses to those inquiries.
    4. Advertisements and Announcements: The SLDA accepts online classified advertisements and announcements on its own discretion and will collect Personal Information, including names, postal addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses, from the person/company placing those advertisements/announcements.

    The SLDA is responsible for all Personal Information under its control. At the same time, because many individuals within the SLDA have responsibility for the day-to-day collection and processing of Personal Information, all assigned individuals will comply with this Privacy Policy as it may apply to their work.

    The SLDA takes measures to prevent unauthorized intrusion to its website and the alteration, acquisition or misuse of personal information by unauthorized persons. Notably, credit card information submitted by users of our website is encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (“SSL”) or other encryption mechanisms. However, the SLDA cautions visitors to its website that no network, including the Internet, is entirely secure. Accordingly, we cannot be responsible for loss, corruption or unauthorized acquisition of personal information provided to our website, or for any damages resulting from such loss, corruption or unauthorized acquisition.

  3. Use of Information:
    The information we collect via our office and the website is used to improve the content of SLDA and advance the SLDA’s mission and services to the profession and the public of Sri Lanka. The SLDA will not share your Personal Information with third parties without prior consent.

    The SLDA may offer you the option to receive newsletters, email updates and announcements concerning our services to the profession and the public. Personal information you have provided to the SLDA may be used to facilitate those communications.

    We may disclose personal information you have provided through our website to persons or companies that we retain to carry out activities for which you have registered or in which you have otherwise asked to participate. It is the policy SLDA that persons and companies to which it discloses personal information must restrict their use of such information to the purposes of their contracts with the SLDA and not disclose that information to others. The SLDA cannot be responsible, however, for any damages caused by the failure the said third parties to honor their privacy obligations to the SLDA.

    The SLDA maintains a directory of dentists that may include information you submit via our web site. This directory is shared with state and local dental societies. A subset of this directory, containing information about SLDA members, is publicly accessible on our website. The entry in the public directory is editable or removable if the member wishes so.

  4. Consent:
    Personal Information will only be collected, used, or disclosed with the knowledge and consent of the individual, except in emergencies and on other occasions permitted or required by law.

    Typically, the SLDA will seek consent for the use or disclosure of information at the time of collection. In certain circumstances, such as a proposed use of information for new purposes not previously identified, consent may be sought after the information has been collected but before use.

  5. Requests to Access Your Personal Information or Corrections to Errors:
    Upon receipt of a written request, the SLDA will make necessary changes to your Personal Information and preferences offline. However, a member of the SLDA may also access and edit his/her own Personal Information and preferences online by logging in to the website. All such alterations made by the user will be logged and kept as a record. On such an occasion, the user shall be responsible for the accuracy of his/her record of Personal Information in our database from the point of his/her first log in. The user also assumes responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of his/her user name and password for access to the Personal Information via the website.

  6. Advertisements and Other Websites Linked to the SLDA Website:
    The SLDA may welcome, at its own discretion, requests from third part website owners to place a link in the official website of the SLDA. Such third party websites that are not under the control of SLDA. We make no representations whatsoever about any other web site to which User may have access through the SLDA web site. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. You should read the privacy policies of each site you visit to determine what information that site may be collecting about you.

  7. Questions, Comments and Challenges to Compliance:
    If you have any comments or questions about our Privacy Policy, please send an e-mail to, use our “Contact Us” online form, or write to us at:

    Sri Lanka Dental Association
    275/75, Bauddhaloka Mawatha
    Colombo 7
    Sri Lanka

    Fax: +94 (011) 259-5147

    The SLDA will address all written comments/questions/challenges to compliance. Should it find that a complaint is justified, the SLDA will take all appropriate steps to correct and/or amend the policy or practice as required.