Standing Committees : 2021

The Council of the Sri Lanka Dental Association may delegate any of its powers, authorities, discretion etc to specially appointed committees to carry out functions and tasks of the Association. The Committees have the power to co-opt any persons not members of the Association, according to the needs of the subject/subjects each Committee is entrusted with. The President may also appoint Committees as it may deem necessary.

All activities of the Standing Committees are coordinated by the Vice President or President Elect or Assistant Secretary each year. Each Committee serves a period of three years.

Clinical & Scientific Affairs Committee (CSAC)

Standing Committees


[01] National Oral Health Affairs

Dr Vajira Jayasinghe (Chairperson)

Dr Nilantha Ratnayake (Convener)

Dr Gamini Navarathne

Dr Suresh Shanmuganathan

Dr Hemantha Amarasinghe

Dr Ananda Rathnayaka

Dr W M Senadheera

Dr Vipula Wickremasinghe

Dr Manjula Herath

Dr Ravi Ranawaka


[02] International Relations

Dr A Sundar (Chairperson)

Dr. Suresh Shanmuganathan

Prof. Ruwan Jayasinghe


[03] Accreditation

Dr A M B Amunugama (Chairperson)

Dr Vipula Wickramasinghe

Dr Shamil Pathmaperuma


[04] Research Award

Dr Gamini De Silva (Chairperson)

Dr Hemantha Amarasinghe

Dr Kalani Hettiarachchi


[05] Finance

Dr R P N N  Wijedoru (Chairperson)

Dr Vipula Wickremasinghe

Dr Nilantha Ratnayake

Dr Gamini De Silva

Dr Suresh Shanmuganathan

Dr Dileep De Silva


[06] Training & Research

Dr Hemantha Amarasinghe (Chairperson)

Dr Dileep De Silva

Prof. Ruwan Jayasinghe

Dr Prasantha Athapattu

Dr Kalani Hettiarachchi

Dr Shamil Pathmaperuma



[07] Continuing Education,

Publications and Web Development Committee

Dr Sirimevan Samarakoon (Chairperson)

Prof. B M H S K Banneheka

Dr Amila Jayasinghe

Dr Manjula Herath

Dr Roshan Karunathilaka

Dr Danushla Levke Bandara

Dr Danushka Ranasinghe

Dr Savith Siriwardane


[08] Oral Care Product Evaluation Committee

Dr Nilantha Ratnayake (Chairperson)

Dr Gamini Navaratne

Dr Fahim Jameel

Dr Hemantha Amarasinghe

Dr Sirimewan Samarakoon

Dr Danushka Levkebandara


[09] De-Fluoridation & Reaching Out

Dr Shamil Pathmaperuma (Chairperson)

Dr Roshan Karunathilaka


[10] Publicity and Oral Health

Dr Nilantha Rathnayake (Chairperson)


[11] Skills Development Centre Project

Dr Vipula Wickramasinghe (Chairperson)

Dr Reggie Gunathilaka

Dr Gamini De Silva

Dr Suresh Shanmuganathan

Dr Sirimewan Samarakoon



[12] Regional Coordination

Membership & Social Affairs

Dr Amila Jayasinghe (Chairperson)

Dr A Sundar

Dr Naresha B Samarasekera

Dr Nayana Wijedoru

Dr Prashantha Athapattu

Dr Roshan Karunathilaka


[13] SLDA Office Management and Development

Dr Nayana Wijedoru (Chairperson)

Dr Naresha Samarasekara

Dr Roshan Karunathilaka


[14] Smokeless Tobacco

Dr Hemantha Amarasinghe (Chairperson)

Dr Nilantha Ratnayake

Dr Prasantha Athapaththu

Dr Rangi Weerasooriya

Dr Kalani Hettiarachchi



Co-Editors – Sri Lanka Dental Journal

Dr. Dileep de Silva

Prof. B M H S K Banneheka