Standing Committees : 2012

The Council of the Sri Lanka Dental Association may delegate any of its powers, authorities, discretion etc to specially appointed committees to carry out functions and tasks of the Association. The Committees have the power to co-opt any persons not members of the Association, according to the needs of the subject/subjects each Committee is entrusted with. The President may also appoint Committees as it may deem necessary.

All activities of the Standing Committees are coordinated by the Vice President or President Elect or Assistant Secretary each year. Each Committee serves a period of three years.

Oral Health Services & Accreditation Committee

AVM (Dr.) A.M.B. Amunugama


The endorsement Committee is responsible for aiding the endorsement process of the SLDA. The objective is to recognize the quality and standards of a healthcare product in the market to ensure consumer benefit. Applications for endorsement from product manufacturers are considered after an assessment of the product. The claims must be scientifically accurate in accordance with laboratory and clinical trials. The committee also takes part in developing recommendations for endorsement which are then presented to the council, and to the General Membership if necessary, for approval.

Continuing Education Committee

Dr. V. Thuthikaran


The Continuing Education Committee executes the responsibility of developing policy and recommendations for the continuing education program of the Association. The Committee works to identify and plan CE programs monthly and in collaboration with national meetings, to promote continuing education opportunities among the membership.

Research Grant Committee

Dr. Gamini de Silva


The SLDA considers the grant of sums of money out of the funds of the association for the promotion of research related to dental and allied sciences. The Committee on Research Grants is responsible for accepting and assessing applications for such grants. The guidelines for assessment and the contract for a research grant are revised, developed and amended by the Committee from time to time, as may be needed, in liaison with the Council and general membership.

International Relations Committee

Dr. H.W.M. Cooray / Dr. Suresh Shanmuganathan

The International Relations Committee advises the Council and other Committees of the SLDA on matters related to maintaining cooperation with similar international bodies. The committee strives to build and improve communications and professional relationships with such organizations and works to improve ways of involvement and representation of the SLDA internationally.

Finance Committee

Dr. K. Ramesh Kanna


The Finance Committee engages in detailed discussions and decision making in all financial matters including planning and budgeting, banking, maintaining accounts for audit, control of fixed assets etc. before monthly/annual reports are made to the Council and to the general membership where final decisions can be made. In keeping with SLDA’s strategic directive of maintaining a sound financial position for organization stability, the Committee opens training opportunities for Committee members on financial matters to ensure a continuity at the end of Treasurer’s term.

Committee on Reaching-out Programs

Dr. Sandaruwan Rajapaksha


The Committee of Reaching-out Programs identifies rural and underprivileged populations where oral healthcare programs can be carried out. It also responds to requests to conduct such programs when possible.

Committee on Publicity & Oral Health Education

Dr. Dileep de Silva / Dr. Miraz Mukthar

The principle focus of the standing committee on Publicity and Oral Health Education is to work on ways to deliver oral health message to the general public. It acts as the link between the SLDA and other similar organizations to work towards a common cause. It often works with Reaching-out Committee to reach undeserved populations. The Committee also works closely with the Web Development Committee when addressing public queries pertaining to oral healthcare issues.

Web Development Committee

Dr. R. Ranawake

A website can be an effective tool for communication and dispersing information. It may also be a good way for keeping a record of the Association’s history and activities. The Web Development Committee sees to maintaining, updating and upgrading the SLDA website on a regular basis. The Committee researches on ways to improve the efficacy of the SLDA website and welcomes suggestions.

Social Activities Committee

Dr. (Mrs) Dilini Fambeck


Maintaining cordial relationships between members of the profession is essential when working towards a common cause. The Committee on Social Activities is responsible for proposing and organizing social events such as gatherings, holidays outings etc. to help bring SLDA members and their families together. Such events are organized either solo or along with national events as a mean of fund raising for the association.

Sri Lanka Dental Journal (SLDJ)

Professor Sunethra Rajapaksha

Journal Editor

FDI/Unilver LLL Project

Professor E.A.P.D. Amaratunga

National Co-ordinator

JDA Defluoridation Project

Dr. Kumar Warnakula
