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The Sri Lanka Dental Association

The Sri Lanka Dental Association is the national and the parent body of the dental profession in Sri Lanka. Since its formulation on 06th December, 1932, the SLDA has been contributing immensely to the development of the profession as well as the welfare of the public of Sri Lanka.

President's Message

President Sri Lanka Dental Association

Sri Lanka Dental Association is the pioneer umbrella organization of the dental profession in Sri Lanka. Established in 1932 and it has 5 regional branches: Kandy, Eastern, Southern, Northern and North central branch. Currently, SLDA has 2000 members, and it is the largest body of dental surgeons to date.

Dentistry is a dynamic and ever-evolving discipline that plays a vital role in maintaining oral health and improving the overall quality of life for individuals. In addition, research in dentistry is continually advancing, leading to the development of new innovative techniques, materials, and technologies that enhance patient outcomes and make dental treatments more comfortable and effective. The role of the Sri Lanka Dental Association is to empower the Sri Lankan Dental Surgeons to be on par with the global trends in dentistry and other oral health-related sciences.

The SLDA is a member of many international federations of oral health related bodies, namely the World Dental Federation (FDI), the Asia Pacific Dental Federation (APDF), and the Commonwealth Dental Association (CDA) to name a few. Through these international bodies, the SLDA integrates to develop global policy guidelines and special strategic plans for immerging oral health issues. Collaborating with World Federation (FDI), SLDA conducts world oral health day commemorations in Sri Lanka every year. 

SLDA interact with all stakeholders in oral health in the country: Ministry of Health; Faculties of Dental Sciences and other professional associations related to oral health in providing professional development to the dental fraternity, advocacy and awareness activities to the general public.

In the field of dentistry, more attention is geared to prevention, personalized medicine and interdisciplinary collaborations. As the 91st year president of the SLDA, it is my duty to provide leadership to this dynamic body to reach the highest standard during my tenure of office.

Prof.  Hemantha Amarasinghe,
Sri Lanka Dental Association