Sri Lanka Dental Association

Vision & Mission

The Sri Lanka Dental Association is an organization of dental surgeons in Sri Lanka which serves to represent the profession nationally and internationally. Membership of the association is voluntary and its members are expected to practice dentistry to meet the mission and objectives of the Association at all times.

Our Values

The SLDA believes that Professionalism is the sum of skill, values and ethics. We expect our members to respect the marks of the Profession when treating patients and making ethical decisions.

  • Honor and Integrity : to be honest and truthful in interactions with patients and members of the profession
  • Altruism : to be obligated to seek the best interest of patient rather than self interest
  • Excellence : to be skilled and competent in what one practices and to be engaged in continued education
  • Duty : to be available and responsive in one’s commitment of service within the profession and the community
  • Accountability : to be accountable to the patient, to the general public in issues related to community health, and to the profession.
  • Ethical Conduct : to respect the code of ethics defined by the Profession as well as by the Sri Lanka Medical Council
  • Respect for others : to show respect to teachers & trainees, members of the profession, members of the healthcare team, patients and their family members.

Our Mission

To be committed to maintaining the honour and interest of Dental Profession whilst keeping the excellence of oral healthcare nationally, through promotion of Professionalism, Scientific Research, Public Education and interaction with other healthcare stakeholders

Our Vision

To be the Recognized Leader in promoting excellent oral healthcare

Our Strategic Directives

The SLDA strives to achieve its objectives by aid of all or any of the followings;


  • Periodical meetings of the Membership of the Association and of the dental profession generally.
  • Publication of information in printed formats as well as in electronic media such as the SLDA website.
  • Circulation of newsletters and e-grams.
  • Continued effort to improve on ways of communication within the profession as well as between members of the profession and the public.
  • Responding enquiries by the general public and other organizations in Sri Lanka and overseas.

Education & Scientific Research pertaining to dental & allied sciences

  • The grant of sums of money out of the funds of the Association for the promotion of dental and allied sciences.
  • Publication of scientific research in the form of a Journal.
  • Publication information pertaining to oral health care in the form of articles in the website.
  • Monthly clinical meetings for the members and non-members of the Association.
  • Regular regional and main scientific conferences.
  • Maintenance of a library facility.


  • The maintenance of spirit and provisions of the dental Ordinances and Acts by lawful means as may be necessary.
  • Continue proactive and interactive dialogue in legislative issues that may have an impact on dentistry.
  • Policy generation through Committees, seminars and workshops.
  • Other lawful matters as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the objectives of the Association.

Access to Care

  • Conducting reaching-out programs to meet the healthcare needs in rural areas.
  • Deflouridation programs in areas with high fluoride content in natural drinking water.

Organizational Stability

  • Maintaining the integrity of standing committees, branch associations and the general membership to address Associational needs.
  • Maintaining communication and rapport with branch associations.
  • Maintaining communication and rapport with other national and international healthcare bodies.
  • Maintaining a continuous new membership drive.
  • Maintaining a sound financial position.
  • The encouragement of a Dental Benevolent Fund for the relief of decayed or necessitous members of the Profession.
  • Maintaining a record of Association activities and history.

In keeping with these motives, the Sri Lanka Dental Association is committed to enhancing the professional lives of its members and improving the oral health of the people of Sri Lanka.

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