Author’s Guide

The Sri Lanka Dental Journal publishes the following categories of articles which have relevence to dentistry and allied sciences.

Leading articles

One article per issue. It may be solicited by the Editor. Authors are welcome to submit leading articles on current topics of interest. One’s expertise or commentaries of general practice etc. They should be 1500 words in length. References should be 20 or less.


Reviews are detailed surveys of published research pertinent to dentistry and associated sciences. They should be critical in nature and should not normally exceed 3000 words and 30 references

Research Articles

Articles resulting from research work belong to this group. Results from routine clinical examinations or laboratory investigations will not be considered under this category. Subjects may vary from clinical trials to basic science research, historical analysis to dental economics. They should not exceed 3000 words and 30 references. A reasonable number of tables and illustrations will be accepted.

Short Reports

These include reports on current topics, modified techniques. new materials, practice management etc. Interesting results from routine, clinical work or laboratory investigations also may be accepted.

Case Reports

Reports such as of rare diseases or conditions. Modifications to accepted treatment procedures, new management methods etc. may be included in this category.

Letters to Editor

Subjects unlimited, but may include short critique of published papers in the SLDJ.

Miscellaneous Topics

Subjects unlimited and the format are free. These may also include details of scientific meetings, conferences, annual sessions, examinations, news and views, visits and obituaries.

Proceedings on Annual Sessions

Abstracts from annual sessions of the SLDA and other colleges will be published under this category.

Submission of Manuscripts

Authors submitting a paper do so on the Understanding that no part has been published before. That it is not  being considered for publication elsewhere and that it has been read and approved by all the authors.

Manuscripts including Tables and Figures should be sent in triplicate as the work will be reviewed by two or more referees. While papers are subject to editing. The journal does not hold it responsible for statements made by the contributor. The author alone is responsible for the statements made in .his paper.

Submission of a manuscript means that authors automatically agree to assign exclusive copyright to the Sri Lanka Dental Association if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication. 

Manuscript on Disk

Once an article has been accepted for publication. the author will be asked to supply a copy of the final manuscript on disk together with two copies of the complete manuscript. Every disk must be clearly labelled with the name of the author, title, software and program version number. 

Manuscript Style

The manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced: on A4 (2I2x297 mm) paper and submitted in correct English: both English and American spelling are acceptable, provided this is consistent throughout the manuscript.. Manuscripts not submitted in proper format or in poor English may be returned without review. The format of a manuscript should be as follows: Title page. Abstract. Introduction, Material and methods. Results. Discussion. Acknowledgements. References. Figure legends. and Tables, arranged in that order.

Title Page

The title page should contain the following information in the order given: 1) a concise but informative title; 2) author’s full names’ (without degrees and titles): 3) author’s institutional affiliations: 4) a naming title. not exceeding 40 letters and spaces; 5) name, address, telephone, telefax and electronic mail address of the author responsible for correspondence.

Abstract Page

Original and review articles must contain an abstract of approximately 250 words with four specified subtitles: 

  • Objective: An introductory sentence indicating the objective and purpose of the study.
  • Materials and Methods: A description of experimental procedure including applicable statistical evaluation. 
  • Results: A summary of the new. Previous unpublished data and results. 
  • Conclusion: A statement of the study’s conclusion 3-5 key words according to Index Medicus should be provided.


The introduction should carry sufficient background information on the subject of study. 

Materials and Methods:

Procedures should be described in such detail as to make it possible to repeat the work. Subheadings may be used to improve clearness. Correct unit abbreviations should be used (e.g.; “h”, “min”, “s” and “Fm” rather than “hr”, “minutes”, “sec” and “Fl”. respectively).

The authors should consider the ethical aspects of their research and ensure that the work has been approved by an appropriate Ethical Committee. Where applicable, a copy of the ethical clearance certificate should be attached. In human experimentation. informed consent from individuals should be Obtained and this should preferably be stated. 

Statistical Analysis

Since many scientific investigations rely on statistical treatment, authors are strongly urged to consult a person with in-depth statistical knowledge. Manuscripts with a clear element of statistics are regularly refereed by the Journal’s statistics consultant. 


The Results section should clearly and concisely present the findings of the research, as a rule in the past tense without subjective comments and reference to previous literature. The results should be supported by statistical or illustrative validation. For the sake of clarity this section may have subheadings. 


This section should present the interpretations of the findings and is the only proper section for subjective comments. Authors are strongly urged to avoid undue repetition of what has been reported in Results. 


The tables should be numbered in the order” of appearance in Arabic numerals, Each table should have a brief explanatory title. Each table; should be typed  on a separate sheet, with due regard to the proportion of the printed column/page. 


All graphs, drawings, and photographs arc considered figures and should be numbered in the order of appearance in Arabic numerals. Each figure should have a brief and specific 1egend, and all legends should be typed together on a separate sheet of paper. Photographs should be glossy prints and the reverse should give the figure number, title of paper principal author’s name and have a mark indicating the top, Colour illustrations may be submitted in instances where their use may contribute significantly to the scientific value of the article. Colour illustrations may be printed free of charge at the Editor’s discretion, whereas others may be printed at the author’s expense. 


References are listed double-spaced in a separate reference section immediately following the text. References are numbered consecutively-in the order in which they ‘appear in the text; do not, alphabetise. Identify references in texts, tables and legends by Arabic numerals (within parenthesis).

Congress abstracts should not be used as references nor may “unpublished observations” and “personal communications” be placed in the reference list. References cited as “in press” must have been accepted for publication and not merely in preparation or submitted for publication

Examples of correct. forms of references are given below. These are based on the format used in the Index Medicus. Abbreviate journal names according to the List of Journals Indexed, printed annually in the January issue of Index Medicus. List all authors; do not use et al. in the reference list. 


Standard journal article

Bartlett  IG, O’Keefe P. The bacteriology of the perimandibular space infections. JOral Surg 1979; 37: 407409.

Corporate (collective) author

WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR ORAL PRECANCEROUS LESIONS. Definition of Ieukoplakia and related lesions: an aid to studies on oral precancer. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1978; 46: 518-539.

Unpublished article

Barker DS. Lucas RB. Localised  fibrous growth of the oral mucosa. J Dent Res 1965: in press.

Books and other monographs

Pindborg JJ Atlas of diseases of the oral mucosa. 5th edition. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1992: 50-66.

Chapter in book

Boyde A. Amelogenesis and the structure of enamel. In: Cohen B. Kramer KH (eds). Scientific Foundations of Dentistry. William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd. London. 1976: 335-352.

No authror given

International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems, 10th revision, vol J. Geneva: World Health Organisation, 1992; 550–564