Dr. Hilary Cooray (1991 – 1992)

Dr. Hilary Cooray

Past President 1991/1992

Dr. N.V. Jayatillake

Honorary Secretary

Dr. Sunil Gunaratne

Honorary Treasurer

Dr. Cooray graduated from the Dental School, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ceylon in 1972. He became a life member of Sri Lanka Dental Association in the same year. He was elected as the Treasurer of SLDA in 1976 and was the Editor of SLDA journal in 1977 and 1978. He was elected as the Honorary Secretary in 1982. The first ever International Conference was held with him as the Secretary of the Organizing Committee and Dr. LSW Dasanayaka as the President. This coincided with the 50th Anniversary of the Sri Lankan Dental Association

SLDA office

The SLDA did have an office to call it own. In 1982, the SLDA moved into the 200 square feet office they purchased at the OPA building for a sum of Rs. 20,000/-. As the Secretary, together with the President Dr. Dasanayaka & Treasurer Dr. Mukthar and Council members, we were able to furnish the office from the generous donations of furniture from the members. It was a fitting occasion for the SLDA to have its own office after being in existence of 50 years. Dr. Cooray was the Treasurer in 1983 to 1987 for a period of 5 years, then he served as Vice President, President Elect and finally the President in 1991.

Asia Pacific Dental Congress - 1997

During his term as President, he lead a delegation of 24 members for the ASIA Pacific Dental congress (APDC). The bid to host the first ever APDC in Sri Lanka was awarded by the General Assembly to Sri Lanka. Dr. Cooray was elected as a Vice President of Asia Pacific Dental Federation, the position he held till 1996. He was the first Sri Lankan elected to the Council of APDF. From 1992, until the congress was held, he was the Chairman of the Promotions Committee which had to work tirelessly to bring the foreign delegates for the meeting during a very difficult and insecure period in Sri Lanka’s history.

Japan Dental Association Grant for Fluoride Research

Project (drafted by late Dr. KDG Saparamadu) was awarded to the SLDA to do the research on

  1. Developing a suitable treatment modality for fluorosed teeth
  2. A pilot project making use of ICOH De fluoridater as a method of De fluoridating water in homes. During this year, a several workshops were held to develop the implementation protocols for this project.

Commonwealth Dental Association

At the 4th Triennial meeting held in Kenya in 2003. Dr. Cooray was elected as the Vice President to represent the Asia Pacific Region. At this meeting a bid was placed for Sri Lanka to hold the 5th triennial meeting in Colombo. In 2006, the first ever Commonwealth Dental Association triennial meeting was held in Colombo hosted by SLDA. A very successful meeting ensued with numerous international dignitaries including the FDI President and others attending. Dr. Cooray was elected as it President to hold office from 2009 to 2012.The first Sri Lankan to be elected to hold this prestigious post.

Organization of Professional Association

Dr. Cooray served the OPA in various capacities in the executive council including its General Secretory (the only Dental Surgeon to hold this office) and it President in 2006. He was the Chairman of the new building committee which was responsible for the management of the construction of the new building where the present SLDA office is housed.

Awadrs (Dental)

Dr.Cooray was the recipient of the following

  • OPA National Awards for Excellence in the Profession of Medicine/ Dentistry
  • List of Honor from Asia Pacific Dental Federation
  • Commonwealth Dental Association – Honors List